It's unofficial but it works For Visual Studio 2012, supported platforms: Win32 and x64.
It's huge 235Mb and takes about half an hour to install.
- Open your C++ project. Or create a new one.
- Open Tools | Library Package Manager | Manage NuGet Packages for Solution....
- Search for "boost" in Online | NuGet Official Package Source (Include Prerelease).
- Press the Install button.
- Wait for about 10 minutes.
- Select your C++ project and press Ok.
- Wait for another 10 minutes.
- Close the dialogs.
- Include some boost header files. For example: #include <boost/atomic.hpp>
- Build the project.
The updated boost package doesn't contain compiled libraries (.lib/.dll) any more. Now it's only 15Mb. I've created separate packages for the boost compiled libraries:
- boost_atomic;
- boost_chrono;
- boost_context;
- boost_coroutine;
- boost_date_time;
- boost_exception;
- boost_filesystem;
- boost_graph;
- boost_iostream;
- boost_locale;
- Boost.Log: boost_log, boost_log_setup;
- Boost.Math: boost_math_c99, boost_math_c99f, boost_math_c99l, boost_math_tr1, boost_math_tr1f, boost_math_tr1l;
- boost_program_options;
- boost_random;
- boost_regex;
- Boost.Serialization: boost_serialization, boost_wserialization;
- boost_signals;
- boost_system;
- Boost.Test: boost_prg_exec_monitor, boost_unit_test_framework, test_exec_monitor;
- boost_thread;
- boost_timer;
- boost_wave.